Bitget referral code is “retx” to get upto $4163 rewards as welcome bonus.Bitget is one of most popular crypto exchange and one of the top crypto platform of sout korea. Bitget is easy to trade in crypto as it takes 0 fees in spot. Rarely any exchange offer 100% discount on spot trading. Enjoy trading and get rewards using bitget referral code.
Bitget is one of the world’s leading crypto derivatives copy trading platforms, providing spot trading, derivative trading, and copy trading. The Bitget exchange app allows you to trade over 100+ cryptocurrencies, including top cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Litecoin (LTC). Explore a variety of contract products: USDT-Margined Futures and Coin-Margined Futures.
Event One: Trade to Share 3 BTC
You can participate in the event when your futures trading volume ≥ 1,000,000 USDT. More participants mean a bigger bonus pool, and bonus is up to 3 BTC. More details are listed below:
Bitget Referral Code
Bitget Referral Code : retx
How To Create Account On Bitget using Referral Code
First of All Signup Bitget
Enter Enter and email
Enter Bitget referral code: retx
After signup you can trade and enjoy 100%
Do kyc to increase withdraw limits.
Enjoy trading in futures and fees free spot in Bitget.
Bitget Referral offer rewards
KYC Rewards
Simply complete the KYC verification when you register and receive a $3 in coupon right off the bat.
Futures Trading Rewards
You will receive $50 in coupon if your total futures trading volume (either USDT-margined or Coin-margined) reaches 100,000 USDT.
First Deposit Bonus
Make your first on-chain deposit or fiat deposit, transfer it into your USDT-margined futures account, and make sure that no withdrawal or transfer is made in the account within 5 days. Do all this, and you’ll receive a tiered reward of up to $4,000.(For detailed rules, please view “Rule Description” below.
Fast and Easy Cryptocurrency Trading & High Quality Customer Service
Bitget helps everyone to easily trade cryptocurrencies in a secure environment.
Conclusion on Bitget Referral Offer
Bitget referral code is “retx” to earn $4163 as welcome bonus. Users can get signup bonus and good income by referring more people on bitget.
This news is republished from another source. You can check the original article here
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