Enter MetHUH-Verse with Ethereum, Binance and HUH Token’s White Paper Mic Drop

Disclaimer: The text below is a press release that was not written by Cryptonews.com.

HUH Token’s White Paper has been released today and it’s taken the cryptocurrency world by storm, though that’s not surprising. 

The lengthy White Paper outlines the aims, dreams, and workings of HUH Token, HUH Nation and MetaHUH. 

With the buzz around HUH Token’s presale ending and HUH Token’s December 6th launch it’s not shocking that White Paper has caused more than a stir for crypto newbies and seasoned lovers alike. 

Here’s a look at what the White Paper has to offer and why HUH Token could be the ‘Utimeme’ cryptocurrency of both practicality and popularity. 

HUH Token are also unique in there application and use of Ethereum and Binance blockchains and this is set to revolutionise cryptocurrency and that’s not surprising why, after a read of HUH Token’s White Paper and the success of Ethereum and Binance. 

HUH Token 

By now you’ve probably seen the name HUH Token floating around the cryptocurrency forums because it’s been one of the highly anticipated crypto launches of the year. 

Conjecture and doubt, as with all other altcoins was risen, though it appears that with the release of HUH Token’s White Paper any doubt has been put to bed. Especially because HUH Token has been audited by Certik, Solidity Finance and Shellbox’s security committee. 

As well as, HUH Token devoting time and energy to creating an always-active bug bounty so that HUH Token, HUH Nation and MetHUH can constantly improved for the community it represents. 

HUH Token’s White Paper release today has always seen the cryptocurrency demonstrate extreme and admirable respects for HUH Token holders with their ConSenseUs program whereby HUH Token offer decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOS) to help the protection and security of HUH Token and its holder’s community HUH Nation.

HUH Nation 

With the release of HUH Token’s White Paper holders of the unique cryptocurrency are in for a treat, and maybe more than one. 

The internet is on fire with the release of HUH Token’s White Paper and HUH Nation members should be excited and future HUH Token holders should be as well. 

HUH Token, in the writings of their White Paper explain that they want their members to have a say and be involved with HUH Nation and MetHUH as much as possible, as, this creates a harmonious ecosystem. 

This will be achieved by letting HUH Nation and MetHUH members propose and discuss issues and solutions together as they community are. 

This will offer each holder of HUH Token a sense of autonomy in MetHUH and that is ground-breaking because it reinforces that HUH Token’s creators are people-centric, which, from the White Paper seems to have informed and infused in all of their ethics, technology and aims.


MetHUH is HUH Token’s way of using social engagement and the influence it incurs as currency meaning that all can be rewarded for engaging content.

HUH Token’s people-centric vision for its MetHUH-Verse is extended by what they have named – Sentiment Tokens. 

As HUH Token’s White Paper stipulates the Sentiment Tokens will reward traits within the MetHUH, these traits are based on being human. 

These traits are known by HUH Token as ‘Tone Traits’ and they’re things like joy, sadness, anger, confident, fear, apologise, inform, merry, love, lead, learn, congratulate… and so on. 

Though you might be wondering how MetHUH and by natural extension, HUH Token are going to achieve this and its through Artificial Intelligence based evaluations of comments made on MetHUH. 

This AI addition to HUH Tokne’s MetHUH will be carried out by the likes of IBM Watson and Google Perspectives.

How To Become A HUH Token Holder?

If this article has whetted your whistle for HUH Token, then you should check out their White Paper further before becoming a holder in their cryptocurrency and member of HUH Nation. 

The launch of HUH Token will see it being available on PancakeSwap and UniSwap as well as on HUH Token’s website.

However, if you need no more time and are tired of waiting HUH Token’s December 6th launch is only a weekend away and if you become a presale holder with a USD 1000 deposit you could benefit from 35% on top of that! 

Follow HUH Token on their Socials before they launch:

Telegram: https://t.me/HUHTOKEN                            

Website: https://huh.social                               

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HuhToken                           

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/huhToken/


This news is republished from another source. You can check the original article here

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