S18 Miner

S18+ Miner

S21 Miner
LONDON, RAINHAM, UNITED KINGDOM, December 20, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — SPCMiner, a team of technology leaders working relentlessly to bring the latest cryptocurrency mining technology to the public, has just released the market’s most powerful and profitable cryptocurrency miners. The company’s product range currently comprises of S18, S18+, and S21, three multi-algorithm miners capable of delivering lightning-fast hash rate, maximum energy efficiency, and the fastest possible return on investment.
All the miners from SPCMiner are built around the latest ASIC technology. An ASIC or application-specific integrated circuit is a microchip designed for a special application. Powered by 5nm ASIC chips, the mining rigs from SPCMiner offer extraordinary hash rates and energy efficiency for mining bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, and monero. As a result, the profitability of these miners is second to none in the current crypto market.
The cheapest unit S18 offers 140 TH/s, 6 GH/s, 0.6 GH/s, 0.4 MH/s, S18+ offers hash rates of 325 TH/s, 15 GH/s, 1.3 GH/s, and 0.8 MH/s, for bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, and monero respectively. On the other hand, for S21 Miner, the hash power in the same order are 950 TH/s, 40 GH/s, 4 GH/s, and 2 MH/s. The power consumptions for these two units are 900W and 2200W respectively
While designing their ASIC miners, the primary focus for SPCMiner was to create a range of mining hardware that will allow everyone to enjoy the benefits of cryptocurrency mining. All three products from the company are super easy to use because these machines are pre-configured and users only need to connect the unit to a power socket. To make things easier for the consumers, SPCMiner also offers its own mining pool.
To find out more, please visit SPCMiner.com.
About SPCMiner: SPCMiner was founded with the mission of making guaranteed profitability in cryptocurrency mining a reality for the public. According to the company’s CEO, the company aims to provide profitable work-at-home opportunities to people. The new range of ASIC miners will be a milestone in the company’s efforts in its goal of opening the doors of cryptocurrency mining to the public.
Perry Barnard
This news is republished from another source. You can check the original article here
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