Quant (CRYPTO: QNT) has been one of the top-performing cryptos over the past few months. It’s up nearly 300% since mid-June, up 50% over the past 30 days, and up nearly 15% over the past seven days. On some days, in fact, it seems like it’s the only token in positive territory. Propelled by its recent surge, Quant has become the No. 31 crypto in the world, with a market capitalization approaching $2 billion.
So it’s a bit of a head-scratcher why more people aren’t talking about it. My guess is that most people don’t understand what this token does or why it matters. Quite simply, Quant occupies a position at the heart of what its developers expect to be the future of finance. If you believe that blockchain will power the world’s financial system one day, then you need to know about Quant.
What is Quant?
In very simple terms, Quant is an Ethereum-based token used to power the Quant network. Taking the 30,000-foot view, its purpose is to make different blockchains interoperable — in other words, allowing them to communicate smoothly with each other, thus facilitating transactions across their various crypto assets.
While there are plenty of blockchains solving the interoperability problem, Quant stands out for its focus on the financial services industry. According to its developers, the future of money is digital, and the future of the financial system is blockchain. Quant aims to connect all of this.
Image source: Getty Images.
Interoperability may seem like a simple concept, but it is hugely important. Right now, banks, asset managers, institutional investors, and private investment firms have their own systems, and these all need to be connected. The infrastructure to do that already exists with the current financial system, of course — it’s what makes rapid transactions with your bank or broker possible. But finance is heading toward a blockchain-based future, and ways to connect those new systems will be needed. Quant has a number of products and services to make this happen, the most popular of which is Overledger, often described as a “blockchain operating system.”
This might help explain why Quant isn’t getting much attention from casual crypto investors. Quite frankly, the idea of “interoperability” isn’t sexy. Quant doesn’t care about NFTs, the metaverse, or blockchain gaming. What it does care about is helping banks and financial institutions to communicate with each other using blockchain technology. The more banks that get on the blockchain bandwagon, the higher the price of Quant is going to go.
The new boom in CBDCs
Here comes the really good part. Quant also wants to get involved in central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Within the financial world, CBDCs are one of the hottest ideas around. Nearly every G20 nation is exploring the idea of a central bank digital currency now, and it seems almost inevitable that the U.S. dollar will be replaced by a digital dollar one day.
Quant has become a vocal supporter of CBDCs, and is starting to lay out a vision for how it can help central banks connect their digital currencies with the rest of the modern financial system. It’s that whole “interoperability” concept all over again. How would the Federal Reserve, for example, make a digital dollar work? And what would that imply for the future of money? Quant’s developers think that all digital money will eventually become programmable, and that many financial transactions will be completed automatically using smart contracts.
Quant and the future of money
When you understand these key ideas, it’s easy to see why many people on Wall Street (but not necessarily Main Street) are excited about Quant. The future of Quant is the future of money — an entire financial system based around blockchain technology, digital currencies, and complete interoperability between every financial blockchain in the world.
Of course, the chief caveat here is that Quant is not the only player in this game. It’s entirely possible that another crypto will encroach on its territory. In the non-financial world, its closest competitors would be cryptos like Polkadot (CRYPTO: DOT) or Cosmos (CRYPTO: ATOM).
But at some point, this token could be helping power the global financial system. For that reason, some analysts and crypto influencers are already putting fantastic price targets out there for Quant, ranging from $500 to $25,000. (Right now, it’s in the neighborhood of $160.) I’m bullish on the prospect of crypto tokens like Quant, and I’m definitely putting this one on my list of tokens to watch for 2023. Once the average Main Street crypto investor catches on to the big idea behind Quant, this token could break out even higher.
10 stocks we like better than Quant
When our award-winning analyst team has a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade, Motley Fool Stock Advisor, has tripled the market.*
They just revealed what they believe are the ten best stocks for investors to buy right now… and Quant wasn’t one of them! That’s right — they think these 10 stocks are even better buys.
See the 10 stocks
*Stock Advisor returns as of September 30, 2022
Dominic Basulto has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Cosmos and Quant. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.
The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.
This news is republished from another source. You can check the original article here
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